Foreign Interest in India

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The J.B.Boda Group has built a team of experts, dedicated to facilitating global entities operating in India. We specialise in rendering the following services:
  • Offer a structured model to provide support and services to global programs of MNCs for their Indian operations.
  • Coordination with Risk Manager and Overseas Broker aligned for Indian operations, resulting in services simultaneously at two levels: Local Client & Corporate
  • Our pan India offices are aptly geared with communication and service needs to meet the corporate requirements.
  • Provide significant updates on the local market and compliance at regular intervals.
  • Our focus is to follow the Corporate Risk Management Manual and stated requirements, right from processing local quotes to the final placement of cover along with a summary and mid-term changes in cover.
  • Claims assistance and support on local/global programs.

We collaborate with you to nurture your strategies into sustainable growth.


For any business queries, write to

For any business inquiries, please write to